【视频】| I Go South Africa loyalty programme 南非旅游局携手两大银行一起“爱购南非”-南非旅游局

Just after the Singles Day shopping spree, in China South African Tourism presents shopaholics with a big surprise - “I GO South Africa” and “I GO China” campaigns in partnership with ICBC Bank and Standard Bank in South Africa.
最近,南非旅游部长Tokozile Xasa女士与中国工商银行行长谷澍先生,南非标准银行CEO Sim Tshbalala先生在约翰内斯堡正式签署了“爱购南非”与“爱购中国”的合作,这也是工商银行今年推出的“爱购全球”的重要部分。
A cooperation agreement for ‘I Go South Africa’ and ‘I Go China’50路熟女 , forms part of ICBC’s I Go Global rewards scheme launched this earlier this year大理一中, was formally signed in Johannesburg by the ICBC President Gu Shu虎头藏獒 , Standard Bank’s CEO Sim Tshbalala and the Honorable Minister of Tourism for the Republic of South Africa Ms Tokozile Xasa.
“爱购南非”与“爱购中国”由全球市值最高的银行“中国工商银行”与非洲最大的银行“南非标准银行”强强联手,不仅可以让消费者在南非旅行时顺畅无阻地消费和使用ATM机林娜荣 ,更有一系列的精彩礼遇等你来享!
With joint efforts from ICBC Bank, the biggest bank in the world, and Standard Bank in South Africa咒怨黑少女 , the biggest bank in Africa, “I GO South Africa” and “I GO China” not only facilitates ease of spending and ATM access when you travel in South Africa别了疯子 , but also provides you with a wide range of discounts and special offers.

正在准备南非之旅的小伙伴们可要注意了~“爱购南非”的种种精彩礼遇涵盖了旅途的方方面面史来贺 ,境外消费返现高达21%女帝生涯 ,南非航空公司香港至南非往返机票折扣翌景嘉园 ,吉卜力美术馆 legacy野生动物度假村低至8折,高端定制珠宝品牌低至85折,精选酒店奢华体验低至8折帝凰名门庶女 ,南非原产葡萄酒低至8折,让你的南非之旅天天都像“双十一”曹煊一 。
“I GO South Africa” offers a number of benefits across many sectors, such as up to 21% “cash back” on certain transactions, discounted return flights from Hong Kong to South Africa, on South African Airways, up to 20% discounts on accommodation at selected game lodges安多芬 , up to 15% discounts on purchases at exclusive jewellery stores, up to 20% discounts on luxury experiences at selected hotels林毅夫简历 , up to 20% discounts on South African wines二嫁豪门长媳 , and more. Each day you stay in South Africa will bring opportunities for another ‘Singles Day’ shopping spree.
跟“爱购南非”一起,尽情享受南非的无限美景与深厚人文,在高品质的旅游体验中度过完美的愉快假期吧花雨石 !
Go together with “I GO South Africa”体热边缘, enjoy the scenic beauty and historic culture, and have a wonderful holiday in South Africa满堂爹娘 !
