【视频】| 回歸自然 川野-一湾清水知己来

English translationJuan Ming Li

A rare reunion
July 25th, 2016, Peng Zhou, Cheng Du.
抬頭總是能見到厚厚的雲,天氣較為多雨,時而又放晴。這一天,是川野幾位工匠們相聚的日子,聽說他們除了每年的冬季一起上山取竹以外爱尔纳突击 ,很少能像今天這樣聚到一塊的。
The thick cloud can always be seen as long as you look up. It’s cloudy most of the time, sometimes, sunny. Today, is a reunion day for the craftsmen. I heard it’s difficult for them to come together like today,except each winter they get together to cut the bamboo in the mountains.

釣魚人在一起,怎麽可能沒魚釣医考路 ?走,釣魚去!
Since the fishermen come together, how couldn’t they go fishing? Hey, let’s go fishing !
Fly fishing

連續幾天的雷雨天氣,使得周邊的河流水位上漲,到處都是渾濁不清的急流。山夫開著車跑了很多地方22条军规 ,都不理想。因今天要玩的釣法叫“飛蠅釣”,講究的就是要在有流水的溪流,河道的地方。這種釣法除了在技巧上與傳統釣不同以外,同時具備觀賞性。
It has been raining for several days. That makes the surrounding river levels rise and it is full of unclear rapid streams everywhere. Shan Fu has been to many places in his car九阳踏天, and they turn out to be not ideal. Because of the fly fishing we are going to play today, what we need is a stream or a river with running water. Fly fishing is different from the traditional ones not only because of the skills, but it’s also ornamental at the same time.
We have almost been to every water around 20kilometers in size. Finally谭力简历 , we come to a reservoir. This is a quiet water with mountains around. But as soon as I step into the water, I am warmly welcomed by the Asian tiger mosquitoes. The favored enemy of O-type blood! No wonder the little girl armed to the teeth today. I have no choice but to obediently accept my fate. Who let me dress in shorts and vest!

Getting off the car, the professional fishermen begin to check the fishing tools regularly.

飛蠅釣:是用仿生餌模仿飛蠅、蚊蟲、蜻蜓等有翅昆蟲落水,刺激水體中兇猛掠食性魚類的釣法。這種釣法靈活自由双子星罗 ,拋用控線等對釣魚者的要求很高,因作餌的毛鉤的重量幾乎為零,所以拋投的動作都要靠本線的形狀和比重所決定的線性實現。
Fly fishing: it is a kind of fishing, using the bionicbait which imitate the insects falling into the water, including the flies, the mosquitoes金牌纨绔 , the dragonflies etc, to stimulate the fierce predatory fish in the water. It is flexible and free. But it requires the fishermen to have high capacity of casting and controlling the line. Because the weight of the lure which is used as the bait is almost zero. So, the throwing of the lure is decided by the path of the line and fishermen’s experience.

Some bait made by Shan Fu himself .

Brother XIaozhen doesn’t have much experience about it, sometimes, he has problems throwing the lure. Modest Shan Fu always teaches him carefully and makes some action models for him.

這裏面數山夫在外飛釣的次數最多,所以是有經驗的老手风行烈微博 ,譚靜在一旁也照著練習拋投動作,反反復復很多次,一直在同步霍唐 。
Shan Fu has gone fly fishing the most, so he is the most experienced. Tan Jing is learning to throw the lure next to him, over and over again, and she is always doing the same movements as he is doing.
記得當時我是第一次在戶外,用到高速連拍操控單反相機,一方面在快速對焦上不能很好的反應李好郭晓敏 ,再就是具備觀賞性的飛釣確實讓我疏忽了很多拍攝細節宅门小寡妇 ,所以未能完整的把這個過程記錄好,內心存有遺憾进包网。但堅信未來的我們還能在一起相聚,周昌新 彌補這一次的過失天廻龙 。
I remember that was my first time outdoors, using the high-speed continuous shooting SLR camera. On the one hand, I couldn’t focus very rapidly. On the other hand, I neglect many details面首三千 , because fly fishing is so ornamental that I almost forget to shoot. So the whole process is not recorded completely. I have some regrets in my heart. But I believe strongly that in the future, we will have another chance to get together, to make up for this mistake.

At around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, we drive away from the reservoir. The corn standing along the village path seem to wave goodbye to us, with a light fragrance of corn.

回到山夫的店上姓许的名人 ,我們又坐著聊了會兒天。
Going back to Shan Fu’s shop, we sit and chat for a little while.

Any food in Sichuan is attractive. Chafing dish is number 1 in my heart. At around 5 o’clock, Shan Fu’s wife asks me月舞云袖, “little Dai好慷在家 ,you are leaving tomorrow. What would you like to have?” “chafing dish” I reply without doubt.

就這樣,我們又坐在火鍋邊上聊起了天,說著各自的一些釣魚經歷,當譚靜聊起他還是美院的一名教師時梦燕女装 ,我打心底的有些佩服他,感覺一頓火鍋仿佛不夠聊的,在臨走前他問我:“明天幾點的火車?”我回他:“下午四點左右......”
Then, we chat beside the hot pot龙延香 , talking about some fishing experience with each other. When Tan Jing says he is a teacher in the academy of fine arts, I begin to admire him from the bottom of my heart. Time is limited for us to talk. Before I leave, he asks me, “ what time does the train leave?” “At about 4 in the afternoon.”
After separating, I come to Chengdu. Anyway, I will have a look at the master’s bamboo poles.

Next time together