【视频】| 一路走好窦家媛 ,讲故事的老伙计 祭文-沈阳图景

One cold winter’s night, barely a month after I first arrived in Shenyang, I needed to get a taxi home as the weather had grown too chilly to comfortably walk the distance I needed to go. I climbed in to the old, red Volkswagen, gave my directions, and we set off. At the first set of lights, the driver turned on the radio. I had expected music, but instead the heavily accented voice of a man narrating a drama joined us in the car. This incorporeal presence was not at all unwelcome; to the contrary, I found myself captivated just by the manner in which he spoke.

It was two days after his death that I learned Shan Tianfang’s name and saw his face for the first time. Do not let it then surprise you to know how sad I felt to hear he had passed away at 83. I had known him and known him well. I never needed to know his name; I could describe him simply as “the storyteller guy” and people knew who I meant; Shan was unparalleled. For decades福耳库斯 , his unmistakable voice could be heard telling stories across the Northeast.
直到他死后两天一品奇才 ,我才知道他的名字叫单田芳,也第一看到他长什么样。别以为我是刚刚听说他享年83岁撒手人寰而陷入悲痛之中,我早就知道他,而且相当熟悉。我无需叫出他的大号李毕茂,我只要说他是个“讲故事的老伙计”,你就应该明白我说的是谁。单田芳在这个领域可以说是盖世无双。多少年来,他那独一无二的嗓音在东北大地永不间断地讲着各种各样的故事。
There was a sense of peaceful continuity being able to get into a taxi far from home凌云棍道 , ride for an hour listening to his voice, pass through a brief interlude of silence, then get inside and find your family listening to the same story. From homes and shops, to parks plazas, people throughout Shenyang went about their days listening to Shan Tianfang.
你在离家很远的地方坐着出租车,有一个点的时间能听着他的声音赶路。下了车会有一小段寂寞的间歇,等进了家门,收音机里传出的还是车上听到的故事。就这么顺理成章地接续下来,毫无间断。从卧室到商店,从公园到广场,沈阳人一天天,不管走到哪里,都能听到单田芳fliqlo 。

Shan himself was no stranger in Shenyang; though he was born in Yingkow, his family later lived in Shenyang where his mother regularly put on her own performances at Beishichang, and Shan spent a time at Shenyang’s Northeast University.
I confess that my own Chinese is still insufficient to easily follow his stories, but that doesn’t matter. A friend asked if I could understand Shan Tianfang’s stories and I replied that I could. To demonstrate, I quoted a line from one of my favorite performances: “砰刷刷刷刷刷刷刷刷嘎嘣封魔师 !” His strongly emotional storytelling made it easy to feel what was happening.
我承认我的这点中文水平还不能完全听懂他的故事,但这不碍事。一个朋友问过我,你能听懂吗?我告诉他,我能。李宇菲 我给他演示一把,是我最喜欢的一个桥段:“砰刷刷刷刷刷刷刷刷嘎嘣!”他讲起故事来,声情并茂,让你身临其境。
Shan was not too shy to liven up scenes of action, battle大地在我脚下, and glory with his collection of vivid sound effects. Occasionally牟丛 , my friends and I would copy this distinct style for fun when we were sharing our own stories, not out of disrespect, but because Shan’s approach was so genuinely fun and engaging.
Given how full of life he sounded on the radio蓝天歌剧院 , I was surprised by his rather frail picture in the obituary. I always imagined him as rather large man, both in stature and weight,天津银行招聘 for it seemed to me that a man so full of life and color ought to be himself larger than life. That the story telling giant from the radio could inhabit such a humble form in life speaks to his talent and the power of his character.
当我看到他讣告上憔悴的照片,我真有些不敢相信,在电波中树立起的高大威猛的形象完全破碎了。在我的认知世界里贪玩猫,他是一个充满了生活经验与传奇色彩的人物,他的形象应该远远超过生活中的他鸡冠菜 。然而,正是这谦卑寻常的真实躯体在电波中用他惊天动地的故事来展现他的天赋与力量寇老西儿。

With Shan’s passing, the Northeast lost a living cultural treasure: the voice of a man whose spirit reached across generations - not through politicking, film丹弗润滑油 , or industry - but through sheer storytelling talent. Shan’s legacy is a gift of adventures, dramas, and heroism that ignited the imaginations of millions and will continue to do so for some time.
The man is gone陌上寸草 , but Shan Tianfang’s voice will still accompany me on my next taxi ride and be waiting when I get home. Godspeed, Storyteller Guy.
单田芳走了,但他的声音将一直陪伴我冯·西沢立卫 ,在载我归程的出租车上,在温暖舒适的家中。一路走好,讲故事的老伙计。
(原作/Charles W. Gravelle 翻译/杨树)
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