【视频】| 上海首场Space Barre公开课魔龙传说! 免费报名-SpaceCycle

Hi! Shanghai Taikoo Hui洪荒时辰 , finally we met!

Ever since the super-long wall paper being peeled off, SpaceCycle’s huge show bike in Taikoo Hui seems to have become a hot spot for selfie!

Our sales team also set up a pre-sale stand loaded with substantial benefits there waiting for dear SCers to have a sneak peek.

北京最热门的Space Barre课程Instructor 吴佳慧Kelly也已经坐上了飞往上海的班机,因为就在下周二,8月22日爱锋派 ,SpaceCycle在上海的第一节公开课就要开始了!
Now Kelly, the instructor of the most popular Space Barre class空中超市 , has arrived in Shanghai too! For the first open class in Shanghai next Tuesday嫡女映儿 , August 22nd阿筎那 !
Kelly老师课程视频 |Video of Kelly

SpaceCycle首场Space Barre 公开课
8.22(周二 Tues)
Space Barre
Yoga mats, other assistive materials and water will be provided by SpaceCycle. Please bring your towels.
地址:上海兴业太古汇LG1 中厅北(LG1服务台对面)
LG1 Atrium North( Oppiste to concierge), HKRI Taikoo Hui,Shanghai
Scan the QRcode to sign up
30 people only!

What is Barre野牛比尔 ?
Barre课程适合所有运动需求的人贺敏学 ,不需要舞蹈和芭蕾基础,只要你完全享受音乐,勇于面对挑战。
受到芭蕾的启发,综合普拉提核心训练,汲取舞蹈、形体训练精华,Barre通过简单的动作和适量的重复,针对性地锻炼肌群,从头到脚重塑你的身体,增强肌肉功能、耐力与身体平衡金童卡修 ,全方位顾及到大腿、手臂和腹部等平时难以锻炼到的部位。
Strengthen, Lengthen北流圭江论坛 , and Sculpt the Body
If you’re looking to build a strong andbalanced body from head to toe那一年吉他谱 , Space Barre powered by Xtend? can help youachieve your goals. Our Pilates- and ballet-inspired workouts are designed tosculpt and energize the entire body, specifically targeting the thighs, glutes芬迪斯 ,arms and abs. Through precise movements and repetitions, you will buildfunctional strength, longer and leaner muscles惊叹不已造句 , and improved overall endurance.
首批引进XtendBarre?,运用芭蕾把杆,辅以哑铃、弹力带和XtendBarre?球,挑战你训练核心肌群的平衡力与稳定性霸宠小娇娃 。从Barre开始瑠川里菜 ,重新探索你的身体吧死神汉克。
Improved Alignment, Balance and Posture
In our 60-minute Barre sessions联合睿康 , much ofthe focus is on proper body mechanics and alignment. Classes incorporate theuse of special equipment –ballet barre, light weights, stability balls andresistance bands – to assist you improve your strength, work your core, anddevelop greater balance and stability. After just a few classes, you will startto notice an improvement in your form, and a change in the way you use yourbody.

If one class is not enough to satisfy your desire to exercise, we also have this 40-day unlimited free pass specially made for our S300 project!
For more information, please click the linkdown below.
上海!我们来了| 300免费席位开放雪豹之豹风 !300 free passes waiting for you!

About SpaceCycle:

SpaceCycle标志是单车、卡带、音响和音符的整体精神缩影,也是品牌承诺:以热爱音乐为初衷,不断制造出音乐主题课程,更新你的生活风格笔记四叶铃兰 。
SpaceCycle'slogo embodies the elements of a bike and stereo speakers, exemplifies the corevalues of our brand.
品牌以音乐为灵魂,梅爱偲 SpaceCycle创造出一个「时尚 X 社交 X 健身 X 科技」的全新概念空间,全天候提供Space Cycle、Space Barre、Space Yoga和Space Moves四类课程。
We arecommitted to amplifying fun through fitness with our offering of music-themedcycling, barre, yoga and moves classes.
每堂课上,音乐不再是背景,而是主角;教练及助教不再是指挥,而是人生导师。加入我们踏上改变之旅吧,太傻咨询 发现一个更有能量、更快乐的自己。
In each class, you'll find upbeat music tofuel your training, a tight-knit instructor & peer support system, and anintense workout that leaves you with a rewarding sense of accomplishment. Comeexperience the transformational journey with us. You will discover a morepowerful, happier, and energetic version of you.