【视频】| 一场有关肌肉的视觉饕餮盛宴 健身-小腹基健身都市灵瞳

本期健身板块塔布尔 ,小腹基君不为大家推送健身教程笑侃大上海 ,为大家推荐一场关于健身的视觉盛宴,我们在一边欣赏别人的同时,也可以激励我们自己更加努力地健身。丁秋星
【HD超清版】2016 WBFF健身男模组别 啧啧啧~
The WBFF World Beauty Fitness and Fashion Inc. is a diverse lifestyle platform servicing the fitness黑猫与牛奶 , beauty混沌神尊 , fashion四战四平 , competitive sport娘type , health丁若镛 , and wellness industries. WBFF has successfully introduced a once niche market to a receptive global mainstream audience. We are the fastest growing beauty and fitness organization in the industry, merging fashion and beauty in a unique and spectacular event like no other has seen around the world.
Our mission to drive society by encouraging a world class opportunity for participants to achieve the world renowned WBFF pro card status has provided a platform where the best of the best from all around the world unite to compete.
Our series of events across America降香油 , Europe读书卡模板, Africa and recently Korea has encourage contestants to develop and companies in our industry to grow. The WBFF is home to some of the most fascinating奇侠传奇 , glamorous and most beautiful models in the world. Professionally executed and entertaining WBFF events grow exponentially each year in production value and attendance. WBFF has developed a powerful network and strategic partnerships with industry insiders and key media companies forming valuable relationships to keep the WBFF story alive.
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