【视频】| 名师讲堂 施一公:成功科学家必备的素质(一)-青岛大学出国留学教育中心

一个成功科学家需要具备什么样的素质呢掌控雷霆 ?答案可能会有很多,坚持、细心、谨慎、投入、持之以恒、善学好问,等等。这些都对倾城别传 ,但是没有一个成功科学家能拥有全部这些素质,而一定是将这其中的某些素质发挥到了极致。
这其中有几条是他们共同具备的,我们先来说第一点:时间的投入五行修神诀 。

所有成功的科学家一定具有的共同点,富锦天气 就是他们必须付出大量的时间和心血朴时妍 。这是一条真理。实际上,无论社会上哪一种职业,要想成为本行业中的佼佼者,吕帅希 都必须付出比常人多的时间诺查丹玛斯。

时间的投入,也就是通常讲的刻苦。没有时间投入月野定规 ,什么都是妄想麻辣双娇 5 。没有一个成功的科学家是不用努力的,即便有,他可能名气很大,但不一定是一个好科学家。你可能觉得自己贪玩、不适应环境,或者找借口说自己不是做学术的料,这些理由以前我都找过。但人是会改的,是可以适应环境的,最终会把时间和精力投入到做研究上来警察遇到兵 。从博一觉得实验室太苦,到博二基本适应素年不相迟 ,再到博三完全适应特雷门琴,这个过程我记忆犹新徐才根 。刻苦是我认为一个成功科学家必须要具备的素质之一。

Lab members:
Over the past several months, it has become clear to me that if there is no drastic change in the lab, Poo lab will soon cease to be a productive, first-rate lab that you chose to join in the first place. Lab progress reports over the past six months have clearly shown the lack of progress in most projects.one year ago, when we first moved to Berkeley, I expressed clearly to everyone my expectation from eachone in the lab.
The most important thing is what I consider to be sufficient amount of time and effort in the lab work. I mentioned that about 60 hr working time per week is what I consider the minimal time an average successful young scientist in these days has to put into the lab work. There may be a few rare lucky fellows like Florian, who had two Nature papers in his sleeve already, can enjoy life for a while and still get a job offer from Harvard. noone else in the lab has Florian's luxury to play around.Thus I am imposing strict rules in the lab from now on:
1. Everyone works at least 50 hr a week in the lab (e.g., 8+ hr a day, six days a week).This is by far lower than what I am doing every day and throughout most of my career. You may be smarter or do not want to be ssuccessful, but I am not asking you to match my time in the lab.
2. By working, I mean real bench work.This does not include surfing on the computer and sending and receiving e-mails for non-scientific matters unrelated to your work (you can do this after work in the lab or at home)人鼠之间, and excessive chatting on nonscientific matters. No long lunch break except special occasions. I suggest that everyone puts in at least 6 hr concentrated bench work and 2+ hr reading and other research-related activity each day. Reading papers and books should be done mostly after work. More time can be spent on reading, literature search and writing during working hours when you are ready for writing a paper.
3.I must be informed in person by e-mail (even in my absence from the lab) when you are absent from the lab for a whole day or more.Inform me early your vacation plan. Taking more than 20 working days out ofone year is the maximum to me. In fact, none of you are reporting any vacation and sick leave on your time sheet (against the university rule, although I have been signing the sheets), but you know roughly how many days you were not here. On the whole, I understand and accept the fact that you may not fulfill the above requirements all the time, due to health reasons九人禁闭室 , occasional personal business. But if you do not like to follow the rules because it is simply a matter of choice of life style, I respect your choice but suggest you start making plans immediately and leave the lab by the end of January 31. I will do my best to help you to locate a lab to transfer or to find a job. If you do accept the conditions I describe above, I am happy to continue to provide my best support to your work, hopefully more than I have done in the past. I will review the progress of everyone in the lab by the end of June of 2002. I expect everyone to have made sufficient progress in the research so that a good paper is in sight (at least to the level of J.Neuroscience). If you cannot meet this goal at that time, I will have to ask you to prepare to leave my lab by the end of August.
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