【视频】| FOOTPRINT足迹 “陆 [liù]”6th Anniversary 演出福利-PYRO湃热音乐
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作为Techno界最受人喜爱的创新艺术家之一,Richie Hawtin似乎不需要过多的介绍。 在这里,我们细数了十个令Richie Hawtin成为传奇的难忘时刻...点击上方 关注我们
作为Techno界最受人喜爱的创新艺术家之一,Richie Hawtin似乎不需要过多的介绍。 在这里,我们细数了十个令Richie Hawtin成为传奇的难忘时刻...点击上方 关注我们
作为Techno界最受人喜爱的创新艺术家之一秋山奈奈,Richie Hawtin似乎不需要过多的介绍。 在这里,我们细数了十个令Richie Hawtin成为传奇的难忘时刻...点击上方 关注我们
2017年是很特别的一年,【FOOTPRINT足迹】就像一个正在酣睡的孩童,没有再四处玩乐,调皮捣蛋。。雪燐。其实,他只是安安静静地躺在他柔软的小摇篮里,悄悄地编织着一个属于他自己的美妙的梦境。当这个“孩童”再次睁开双眼大地主刘文彩 ,再次面对这个五彩缤纷的世界之时,也是他再次踏上五彩缤纷的征途之日。路途遥远,也会有艰辛,但是时光飞逝,我们必须快马加鞭 “搞事”!
并且在今年12月,这个“孩童”即将迎来他人生中的第六个生日——【FOOTPRINT足兰花草吉他谱 迹】周年庆典,即是重新上路的起点。如果你是一个爱音乐爱跳舞的派对动物,这里有最精彩的讯息期待和你交流~快参与到这个大家庭里来吧!

12月15日 周五晚10点至深夜
Fri 15th Dec 10pm - late
168 Julu Lu, Shanghai
早鸟 Early Bird
50 RMB
预售 Advance
80 RMB
现场 Door
120 RMB
(含一份shot . include one shot )

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特别嘉宾 Special GuestJulia Govor
本土嘉宾 Local GuestLina K
VJ Ryo

“每提到Julia Govor,大家都只注意到她俄罗斯军用乐队歌手的经历,但这都比不上她成为了一名移居纽约的DJ兼音乐制作人。目前,她的音乐作品已被著名厂牌Cocoon,Get Physical,BPrecs等收录发行。近期的单曲《5000 Moments》发行于Akkult,这是她至今最独特的作品” ——Resident Advisor
“不是每个人都会有此经历,从一位俄罗斯军用乐队的歌手,到最终能去纽约和Jeff Mills同台演出清泽谱之惠 ,除非你是Julia Govor,一位来自俄罗斯不可思议的DJ历程 - 军用乐队的表演者到莫斯科地下俱乐部的驻场DJ,这真他X的没得比君王无情 !” ——THUMP
++ Julia Govor @Boiler Room ++
Julia Govor的音乐理念核心永远充满了真实情感的元素。。。
Julia Govor生来就是让人翩翩起舞的。她在军事重镇阿布哈兹的第一次演出就使她成为镇上夜店录音带DJ。每周六,勤奋的Julia一上台演出就会播放来自俄罗斯歌手或她姐姐Galina所创作的歌曲。不久之后,她成为了当地著名军用乐队Moryachka的主唱,同时她也没放弃DJ事业,继续磨练她的混音技术并开始用Paul White的Tascam(泰斯康)播放各大主流歌曲,如Sandra,Mr. President,20 Fingers以及一些90年代流行天后的歌曲。直到2000年,她搬到俄罗斯南部捷姆琉克后才用CD和Vestax PMC01A混音台播放音乐,成为了一名真正的DJ。

2009年,这位善于用歌曲描述故事的娇小活泼的俄罗斯女生回到了她最擅长的工作:DJ。接下来的几年,她把她的才华都献给了莫斯科著名地下圣地Club Arma17。在这期间,Julia也出现在世界各大音乐节,如底特律Movement,乌克兰Kanzantip,迈亚密WMC,阿姆施特丹ADE,巴塞罗那Sonar Off等。小魔女doremi粤语。。
近几年,Julia深受与她同台演出的Techno DJ/制作人的影响与启发后,便开始自己制作音乐。她一贯美妙的共鸣频率,伴随着独一无二的音乐旋律凤姐夫 ,在2011/12期间很快就被各大著名厂牌Vision quest,Get Physical,Hypertone等抢发。
移居纽约后, Julia和许多DJ明星们(Jeff Mills,Richie Hawtin,Adam Beyer等)在各大音乐节(Output,Time Warp大村官 ,Awakenings,BEMF,Electric Zoo等)同台演出。2016年更是得到了Ricardo Villalobos的青睐与支持,并获得在Cocoon和在俄罗斯只发黑胶唱片的厂牌Body Parts / Mind Series发行作品,蒋多多以及来自Villalobos混音作品。2017是Julia发行之年血之期中考试,两张个人唱片分别在Akkult和Rhythm Cult厂牌发行,以及与TMZ,Seth Troxler合作的作品分别在Second State和Boiler Room Recordings发行香河老人 。同年,她也受各大音乐节Awakenings,Melt,Sonus,Neversea等之邀参与演出。
++ Seth Troxler & Julia Govor in Russia Boiler Room ++
Julia音乐演出的理念核心永远是充满真实情感元素的情义两重天 ,并且这让她重新用她的节拍与听众们拉近了距离。简而言之口琴草堂 ,她坚信用激动人心的表达方式和选择利用每个声音的层次,能做出一个性感迷人的Techno节奏,不要忘了还有那无限的诱惑和美妙的旋律。更确切的说,这就是Julia Govor!

When talking about Julia Govor, people usually emphasize her background as a singer in a Russian military band. But that’s more of an aside than anything related to the music the New York-based producer makes nowadays, which is hypnotic and occasionally rigid techno. (Think the Italian school but more straightforward.) So far she’s made appearances on labels like Cocoon, Get Physical and BPrecs, and the latest,5000 Moments, landing on Budapest’s Akkult, is her most distinctive record yet ——RESIDENT ADVISOR
Not everyone starts out as a singer for a Russian military band and ends up DJing in New York with Jeff Mills. Unless you're Julia Govor, a Russian DJ whose incredible journey—from military band performer to resident DJ at underground Moscow clubs - is pretty fucking unparallelled——THUMP

At the core of Julia’s music is an ever-present element of emotional truth...
Julia Govor was born to move people. She made her debut performing in a small military town in Abkhazia, which led to her becoming the cassette-DJ at the town’s nightclub. EverySaturday, the ever-diligent Julia was on stage performing new songs by Russian singers or songs written by her oldest sister, Galina. Soon thereafter, she became the lead singer in the locally-famous military band called Moryachka. Still sharpening her mixing skills, she began using Paul White’s elegant silver Tascam to play pop songs by Sandra, Mr. President绢旗最爱 , 20 Fingers and other 90’s pop divas.The big payback: In 2000 she moved to Temruk in South Russia where she became a bona fide DJ, playing CDs and mixing on a Vestax PMC01A.
In 2009 the petite and vivacious Russian lady with a knack for telling hypnotic stories got back to what she does best: DJing. She lent her talents to the legendary Moscow underground club Arma17 for several years. During this period Julia could also be found making impactive appearances at Movement in Detroit, Kazantip in Ukraine, WMC in Miami十渡农家院 , ADE in Amsterdam and Sonar Off in Barcelona.

Fast forward a few years, Julia has clearly been deeply inspired by the techno artists she’s been playing with and begins to produce herself. She honed a sound which boasts distinctly resonant frequencies alongside uncommon melodies and subsequently had tracks snapped up by Visionquest, Get Physical and Hypertone in 2011.
Relocation to New York has seen Julia perform alongside the likes of Jeff Mills, Richie Hawtin and Adam Beyer at Output, Time Warp, Awakenings, BEMF and Electric Zoo. 2016 has seen her gain the support of Ricardo Villalobos,with releases coming on Cocoon and Russian vinyl only imprint Body Parts / Mind Series with remix of Villalobos. 2017 is a year of releases for Julia, she released 2 solo records on Akkult and Rhythm Cult labels and few EP // collaboration with TMZ on Second State label and Seth Troxler on Boiler Room recordings. She had performed at Awakenings, Melt, Sonus, Neversea and others respected festivals.

At the core of Julia’s music and live shows is an ever-present element of emotional truth and a quest to redefine her audience’s relationship with beat. Simply put, she firmly believes in churning out sexy techno grooves with dramatic expressions and select layers of sound. Not to forget the boundless charm and ambrosial melodies. That is, in a nutshell Julia Govor.