【视频】| Chinese PaperCuts 中国剪纸之首:“刻”出来的彩色窗花-CGTNOfficial

What is the "taste" of Spring Festival?
For most Chinese, it means red lanterns at the doors, lucky characters on the walls and paper-cuts on the panes.
对于大多数中国人来说,“年味”是家门口挂起来的红灯笼、墙上红红的福字和窗户上贴的窗花前进巴格达 。
For people in Yu County, Hebei Province, their special paper-cuts are an indispensable tradition during the Chinese New Year.

Zhang Haiquan, 56, is the fifth-generation leader of the northern school for Yu County paper-cutting. He has been crafting his designs for over 40 years.

Zhang's childhood memories are filled with paper-cuts.
"My friends and I would make the paper-cuts and sell them to buy firecrackers."
张海全对于新年的儿时记忆,就与剪纸有着千丝万缕的联系。“我和小伙伴们一起到上街卖做好的纸雕,用赚来的钱买鞭炮一起放酥油茶的做法 。”

Now, he is happy to share his artwork with families and friends, sending his best wishes for the Spring Festival.

Dating back to the 6th century林志忆 , the art form is a traditional handicraft that involves cutting elaborate designs into paper. It plays an important role in Chinese festivals and ethnic activities. The cultural connotations have made it one of the richest Chinese folk arts.
中国剪纸艺术起源于公元6世纪爱的言灵,林志忆 用剪刀或刻刀在纸上剪刻花纹九台租房梅格雷的亡者 ,用于装点生活或配合其他民俗活动黄颖芝,是中国民间文化内涵最为丰富的艺术形态之一。
Opera characters, historical tales金贤姬 , flora and fauna, landscape scenery, lucky patterns and activities from our daily lives all become the subjects of paper-cuts that grace window panes across China during the Spring Festival. It enhances the festive atmosphere, and conveys good wishes for the next year.
窗花的内容题材非常广博看德纲网,戏剧人物、历史传说、花鸟鱼虫、山水风景、现实生活及吉祥图案都是窗花的表现内容悲歌行 。农历正月初一,贴窗花装饰居室环境成为中国春节喜庆活动的一个重要内容,既可以美化生活环境,又寄托了中国人辞旧迎新、接福纳祥的朴素愿望。

Paper-cuts in Yu County, which are actually more of a carving, date back to the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644).
"The Yu style paper-cut demands that 'the knife go with your imagination央金次卓 , and the hand with your heart.' It reflects the spirit and essence of the figures," Zhang says.
"Another feature of Yu County paper-cuts is detailed dyeing. A certain proportion of alcoholcreates a better contrast."

Learning from colored drawings, local craftsmen use sharp knives to carve on rice paper, before dyeing it with bright colors. With the rich compositions and vivid patterns, Yu County has developed its own style.
蔚县剪纸借鉴了民间彩绘蓝琼璎,以宣纸为原料,用小巧锐利的手工刀刻制,点染明快绚丽的色彩,构图朴实饱满,造型生动优美寅次郎的故事 ,制作工艺在全国众多剪纸中独树一帜。

"Paper-cuts are for the festivals. I'd like to give some of my works to the lovely neighbors. It is endowed with the expectations for a better year. We should share the happy feelings with our family and friends."

"Spring Festival is the time for family reunion. We hang the lanterns and paste the paper-cuts for window decoration. Our children are coming back for it. People are more than willing to be back home before New Year's Eve. I'm so happy when everybody is there for the reunion dinner."
过年就是举家团圆的日子,挂上灯笼,一贴窗花石玉湘 ,孩子们就要回来了,年就来了。不管在哪里,多远上班,大年三十一定都会赶回来,大家吃这个团圆饭。这个过程,我觉得太幸福了。”

"When the Spring Festival came, people used to paste paper-cuts for window decoration山本一木 , but that is now changing. The carving technique is making it more detailed and sophisticated. People would like to frame them to keep the festival feelings in the house."

The "taste" of Spring Festival is a vague concept. Chinese linguist Ji Xianlin once said that "Spring Festival is like a wisp of smoke, or the mist in the mountains. It cannot be touched, nor be seen. But when it lays a finger on your heart, you will know that it is coming."
For Zhang, the paper-cut is just the "taste" of Spring Festival. It's his duty to preserve the tradition. That's what has kept him cutting for 40 years.

"From Chinese characters like 'xi (happiness),' animals and plants, to many complicated historical events, craftsmen are able to put almost everything in a single paper-cut."
"I think the paper carving is not only for the Spring Festival. It carries and conveys the hope for a better life, which is also the charm of this folk art."

Chinese paper-cutting is like the evergreen. It has become a wonderful symbol of Spring Festival for Chinese people because of its popularity, practicality and aesthetics.
快过年了孙雅莉 ,你们家的门神画儿准备好了吗?
Cameraman: Lv Jiabo, Zu Guangning
Film editor: Lv Jiabo
Story written by: Nie Yaqi
English editor: Matthew Arrington Watson
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