【视频】| 共享单车的故事:Ofo小黄车CEO戴威APEC英文演讲 演讲-英语学习

Good morning everyone my name is Dai Wei, I'm the founder and CEO of Ofo bicycle I'm the guy who loves cycling. And also I'm a guy who collect bicycles, I believe I have the largest collection of yellow bicycles in this world.
大家好,我是戴威,是ofo小黄车的创始人和CEO, 我爱自行车。我非常喜欢骑行,也喜欢自行车,ofo有世界上数量最多的小黄车。
Some people collect the wines, some collect stamps, some books and most of the collections have private.You know what I collect to share.I share them 32 million times today and we are changing the people who go across the city is twenty four hours a day.
And today I'm here to share our story with you.30 ago in China.Bicycle is a kind of the most important tool in the family.I was born in 1990, and I remember when I was a child.My parents they have to save two miles salary to afford a robot stands costed flying pigeon bicycle.At that time.In the weekends we go to the parks, we go to the supermarket, back then, that's a very beautiful memory.
今天,我将与大家分享我们的故事。自行车是一个伟大的发明。对中国人而言,自行车是我们文化、传统和价值观非常重要的一部分。自行车承载着普通中国人实现梦想的历程。小时候,我们的父母为了拥有一辆结实、可靠的自行车而努力工作。我是90年代出生的孩子。那个时候,买一辆自行车,意味着全家积攒两个月的工资。当我们看着父母骑车去上班,内心骄傲又喜悦苏驰物流 。一辆单车承载的是全家人对美好新生活的期盼。
But with the very fast development in the past thirty years in China, more and more cars on the street for example in Beijing now.Even a three kilometer distance will take you more than one hour. And if you ride bicycle,it’s only twenty minutes. Everybody lived in the maga-city this suffered from the congestion, and not only congestion,but also the pollution at PM 2.5小布叮官网, and a lot of problems.That's what also comes two years ago I think it's really a problem as the congestion and pollution really suffered us , I found my classmates and roommates, and we think we have to solve this problem.Because we all love bicycle so we think maybe bicycle the solution to all the congestion and pollution problems.
过去30年,中国改革开放带来了天翻地覆的变化,中国城市化进程突飞猛进。城市交通基础设施网络日趋庞大的今天,我们与出行的关系也悄然发生了变化。随之而来的是一系列问题,城市发展开始困扰我们,交通拥堵、污染等一系列问题让我们感到沮丧。这些困扰让我们可支配的时间越来越少黄瀛漩 ,人与人的关系、人与城市的关系变得紧张军校奏鸣曲。针对这些问题,我开始思考,自行车会不会是一种解决方案。自行车诞生至今已有近200年历史。期间经历了多次迭代,但形态和功能大同小异,这证明了它的经典以及对人类出行的价值。
But at that time we had with and if everyone own a bike is also a problem, because when I was in the college I lost five bicycles, my roommate lost four and for my classmate lost seven, with every time with also bike you have to buy a new one , this is really not convenience we got a really crazy idea at that time maybe we don't need to own a bite we just use a by we find the bike anywhere anytime you just unlock it and I'd tell destination you just live it there, we believe bicycle is the best invention of human history because in the past 200 years, Because bicycle structure and function didn't change a lot and you'd be with the development of the human beings what we had this crazy idea we share to the whole class miss our teachers and families and friends all of them thoughts is a ridiculous idea and they told us when you start this business you won't last for three days because all the bikes will be stolen. It’s a really big pressure for us, but we believe life is better when we share so we insist on doing that.We want to do the actual experiment in the campus first, so we spend several months to motivate around five hundred students to join us to share their own bikes. And in Sept 17th, 2015, when we launched our service. We are likely to find most of the students and teachers use our service even though they have their own bikes.
但是骑自行车也有相应的麻烦。我上大学时候就丢了5辆自行车,我朋友中还有丢7辆的。所以,让每一个人都拥有一辆自行车是不方便和不现实的。为了解决这些问题,ofo因此而成立。我们在北京大学开始试水, 并不断努力,优化我们的服务桥本有菜 ,让我们的城市一天天变得好一点,更好一点。
That's really inspired us to insist on doing things,钱琳琳 and several weeks ago I read a book it is a book written by an American writer called hustler the book's name is a river town called River town(jiangcheng), he described the scene in nineteen ninety seven in Chengdu, a city in China.
让我来给大家讲述一个故事,这个故事让我感到信心满怀,坚信我们正在从事的事业是正确的选择。故事的主人公是美国作家Peter Hessler,在他的纪实文学作品《江城》(River Town)中描述了这样一段场景。
Some young guys they had written the Chinese co cutter Intel inside on their bicycles frame is a kind of local Joke combined with Iranian aspect I did all this young guys they don't know what and how it is they don't know how to use it, but they only know the Intel is something sophisticated,something international, something popular something they want.
1997年的成都,当地人把“内置英特尔处理器”几个字,写在自行车车架、挡泥板上,作为一种流行元素贴身男秘。当然,那些人并不知道英特尔处理器为何物,有什么用,他们所知道的仅仅是它代表着先进、尖端、国际化龙灯瑞迪 ,这些是他们所渴望和向往的。
I think twenty years later would make this come ture, we connect all the bicycles with the internet.We can control the bikes we come along kids we can transfer data we can position all the bikes. And it's really easy and simple just download apps, scanning the QR Code and you can lock and unlock automatically, at your destination just leave it there and waiting for another user to come.

However, nothing is easy, when we copy our business too outside the campus to the city area,something happened.More and more people occupied our bicycles.They locked the bike with their private locks, and they move the bikes to the apartments.So less and less on the street can be used by the public.at that time we felt the really big pressure.
And when we don't know why people do that.I will only have one believe that life is better when we share with would we don't know what's what's the result only one to try to insist that means will invest more capital on bikes because we believe people don't want to sell this bikes they want to use it,because not plenty of bikes on straight for them, it’s us we don't provide a better service. So we provides more bikes on the street with a higher density.Luckily we our rights lesson the last people occupied the bicycles.
Another thing also excited us.A volunteer team, A self organized volunteers , those volunteers are from high school students to the retired grandpa of us grandma's. They go on the street to help us to pick up the fallen bikes to how to redeploy the bikes which are part of the wrong place all these people. They charge nothing they just want to help.I think we're motivate people to be more responsible.And we built the Credit system if you do more good to the society will benefit more.And we believe life is better when we share.
还有一件让我们特别兴奋的事,就是我们看到很多人自发走上街头,维护共享单车,他们被称为“单车猎人”,这其中不乏一些还在读书的高中生。这些自发的友善行为,让我深有感触,ofo让人们重拾和重建对社会的责任感,这也是为什么我觉得共享能让生活更美好的原因之一安阳博书苑 。
We're changing the peep hole commute way improving the environment as well as the human health and lifestyle, we also providing the spontaneous convenience for the people from every corner of the streets.
我们正在改变人们的日常出行。我们正在改善环境,提高人们的健康水平,改造人们的生活方式韦思浩 。在每一个你需要骑行的角落,我们都提供出行服务。
I wanna share a moment with you.Several months ago when I was used as a CBD area. There’re two very different walks of life cross the paths.The white collar professionals and the construction workers, at that moment.I found both of them use ofo bikes. It is that moment for me ,I determined to insist on what we're doing. Because I thought bicycles is the kind of thing kind of service to have universal access dislike time everybody have 24 hours a day, just like air when we leave in a city no matter you are the summer you know the teacher of the mayor.The students we we we have the same brave and also the bicycle no matter who you are.You have to same access to this convenient service.
Construction workers use our bicycle to go to a hot dinner after a long day.And the university students go across the campus is so they’re not late for the school.And the professionals use our service to go from the subways and gyms and their apartments.We believe that life is better when we share.
Recently a friend of my mom told me he wasn't on a bike for twenty years, and he tried our service and she fell in love with it刘希泉 , and he become the very active and ambassador the bike sharing, now he went to the subway王杰杰克逊,went to the supermarket,went to a lot of places on our bike, and I believe more and more people would join to drive less and bike more.

I have some number to share with you.In China.In the last ten quarters, The traffic congestion is still increasing珠海容闳学校,but In the second quarter answered culture this year.In Beijing and send in this magazine is the traffic congestion was reduced by 7.8 percent because of bike sharing. And also we have the number from the gasoline station.Like Sinopec In Beijing and Shanghai the gas consumed was reduced by five percent because of bike sharing.
随着越来越多人加入到这个队伍中,蓝天正在在逐渐回归城市。研究发现,因为共享单车的普及,中国的一些大城市比如北京和深圳,交通拥堵情况在第二、三季度都有了明显改善。此外,在北京和上海,因为越来越多的人选择自行车出行侠盗石川 ,油耗也有所下降。在用户与企业的不断沟通磨合中,共享单车行业正在不断成熟。用户对出行越来越高的需求,促使我们的产品和服务不断得到改善。通过分享让世界更美好,是ofo的目标。
Now only two hundred million people use our service and I believe the future if there may be two billion people use the bike sharing the world will become better. And I believe not only the people in China suffer from congestion and pollution PM 2.5,I think people around the world also suffer from the similar problems. So from the spring this year we started to bring our service outside of China.Now we have service in over 200 cities in 18 countries, and we are happy to find out people in different countries different culture different language can understand what we're doing and really happy to join us just like why we named awful because it's three letter combined together it looks like a bike, so we think everyone to understand what we are doing and join us.
And I believe we are community of common destiny for mankind, and just like the model of this some is that we shared the future张朱皓然 , so I think in future everyone on this earth, we may have to take it to join the effort to how to solve the problems, maybe bike sharing is just a start. Airbnb was established in 2009 , ofo was established two years ago and I believe the next twenty - thirty years more and more sharing economy occurred on these ours and we'll have more and more impact our lives but I want to say sharing economy is not about technology sharing economy is more about human beings.
正如今年APEC的主题一样,我相信ofo正在帮助全人类建立一个“共享”的未来。共享自行车只是一个开始。Airbnb成立于2009年桑田佳祐,ofo成立于2014年。未来20到30年中,越来越多的共享企业将出现盗宋 ,并将给我们的生活带来更积极的影响。共享经济不仅仅和技术相关,它还关乎人类命运共同体。
Our generation we grow up with the Technology we witness the into that the mobile internet smartphones.Every year the new technology come to our lives, but I think 20-30 years later our next generation they won't feel technology, technology will be invisible and the technology will be everywhere decided the air, the water between us and support us, at that time I believe and I dream our next generation can share the happy moment with a family in a dinner, can share the conversation ideas贝特霍尔德, can share some beautiful things and just to experience the beauty of the life.
I believe life is better when we share and that's our story李尚容 , thank you for listening. Thank you very much.